Less Known Japanese Singers! (152)

1 Name: Rurutia 2005-09-27 21:42 ID:ctfg1t+q

This thread is for the discussion of Japanese bands and artists who are not as well known in the west as say, Ayumi Hamasaki, The Pillows, and Gackt.
That is, not to put Gackt and the Pillows in the same boat. . .

Anyway, what are your favorite artists from Japan that are less known? I know mine. She's actually my favorite artist of all time. "Rurutia" (「ルルチア」、 sometimes 「ルルテイア」) is great. The thing is, I have only heard one album from her. Her "R" album. I actually listen to it on repeat over and over for days. I have a certain order for the songs on it, and if they are not played in that order it just doesn't sound right. Do you know Rurutia, and if her other work is good?

Other than Rurutia I like Rie Fu. She sings in both English and Japanese, so being bilingual, it is very fun listening to her music.

I have only heard one song from "Mai Kurai", called "Secret of my Heart". It is my girlfriends favorite song. I like it, but I haven't heard anymore of Mai Kurai. Is she good?

I also like Yumi, though I have only heard "New World" from her.
Akino is another good artist (perhaps a band?)

Last but not least, I have a single from Kotoko (sort of famous, I think? I'm not sure) called "Re-sublimity." I love it!

Do you have any other Japanese artists that are good?

2 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-10-11 20:43 ID:Heaven


>I have only heard one song from "Mai Kurai", called "Secret of my Heart". It is my girlfriends favorite song. I like it, but I haven't heard anymore of Mai Kurai. Is she good?

I think you mean "Mai Kuraki." She's rather famous, IMO.

And Rie Fu is really famous right now (or so I think.)
Having done and ending to both Bleach and Gundam Seed Destiny.

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