Protect 4channel (55)

31 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-10-18 04:14 ID:pKk2leVa

In times of influx access to websites should be physically restricted to already present members. this should prevail for a while until new users have been adequately indoctrinated or have left. Then open up the site again. its the perfect system: it protects its own existence, it grows in size and strength, it specializes, it prepares for disorder and instability while keeping chaos to a minimum. in the larger context, a shitty culture may not die, but certainly will not grow as new users scope out a comprehensible place. 4chan /b/ is incomprehensible and thus people revert to their basic animalistic dumb stuff.

i'll be passing this site out to more digital denizens and posting more myself. its strong enough to protect itself from the few users who could be attracted here in the first place.

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