serious things concerning the internets (4)

1 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-10-07 16:25 ID:rUcDlgIx

Do you think my thoughts correspond to reality or am I not making sense?

How internet piracy will be completely controlled in the near future: (or perhaps, how piracy is treated currently...)

It is impossible to protect all content. Protecting only newly
released content, for its lifetime is not possible, but financial
damage can be minimized by controlling all major piracy websites and
thus preventing the free version of the product to be
available. By banning, an internet phenomenon which makes a group
concentrates its force sum to do the opposite of something that
another person/operganization is trying to do, will be invoked and the
failure will be miserable. Rather, corporations will take over piracy
groups too, like they did with torrent websites and similar piracy
websites, and that is accomplished with money. Piracy groups will
release partial of the product or lower its quality before
releasing. In the case of movies, a camera recording with bad audio
will be allowed for upload before the movie is released. This actually
helps the corporation that funds the torrent group by serving as
advertising. You won't hear a perfect version of a new song on
youtube, only botched music, sometimes slowed down, sometimes having
audio effects that change the song completely. Torrent websites will
brag on their community width - the more the better, since they host
advertisements. This will lead to a 'community thinking', ie the needs
of the 'torrent community' and its goals (much like feminism).

2 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-10-12 01:19 ID:Heaven

You just found what actually big corps do today. It doesn't really benefit artists, money power still controls releases.

3 Name: simpleton : 2009-10-30 15:03 ID:37hm/+Wu

Does that mean there is a such thing as a successful pirate?

4 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-11-02 10:58 ID:hwYGJWR9

Write a book and make a buck off of your theory.

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