Good places on the internet. (84)

31 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2014-06-03 10:47 ID:4rHkbK6z - Bitmessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages - Q's AKTIVLIST OF CHANS, BROADCASTS & MAILING LISTS
Starting from version 0.3.5, Bitmessage introduced an additional feature called a chan, a decentralized anonymous mailing list. Unlike traditional mailing lists used via email:

  • a chan cannot be shutdown by taking down any server or a group of servers due to decentralized nature of chans.
  • a chan cannot be effectively censored since any Bitmessage user who knows the chan passphrase can read the chan or post any message into the chan.
  • within a chan, user messages are anonymous to such a degree that messages contain neither the sender's nor the receiver's Bitmessage address.
  • two most disucced topics in popular chans appear to be black people and homosexuals, yet it's a fun place.
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