Hurricane Katrina (112)

79 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-09-07 01:40 ID:dkuPhyYH
"A police officer visited the hotel and told guests they would have to leave."

""We walked through the waters to this bridge where they were supposed to be picking us up."
After another 45 minutes they were told no transportation would come back that night - there were 2,000 people on the bridge.
"There were a lot of people on this bridge and they were not very nice people," she said. "They were smoking crack and doing drugs.""

"The little group decided to walk to the Superdome."

""It was nuts in there," she said. Bathrooms were overflowing and not usable. Crack addicts were getting high on the 10-yard line."

"At one point, they witnessed a man who was forbidden to leave commit suicide because troops at the facility would not let him leave."

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