Korean is a liar, There is not a sex slave by Japanese army on earth (148, permasaged)

118 Name: Unverified Source : 2010-03-12 17:18 ID:PvC3wdO0

There were never any sex slaves held by the Japanese Army, the Koreans just made that up to get sympathy.

The Japanese didn't commit the "Rape of Nanking", they just walked in peacefully. All those reports of massacres and rapes were fictions created by the evil Chinese to dishonor the Japanese.

The holocaust was a fiction created by Jews. All those pictures of mass executions were done in a studio in Arizona.

9/11 was fake, demolished by explosive charges. (All part of an elaborate plot to get oil.)

The moon landing was faked in the same studio the holocaust was faked.

Elvis is still alive.

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