Korean is a liar, There is not a sex slave by Japanese army on earth (148, permasaged)

21 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-02 16:52 ID:8uAM/FwE

Is it just me, or is it that the Japanese in this thread talking about Koreans sounds like Nazis talking about Jews circa rise of the Third Reich? "Der Juden is everywhere! Der Juden is creating secret plot to take over Germany! Der Juden controls the press and the money and is perverting German society! Der Juden is secretly hiding himself in society!" The only thing missing here is calls to exterminate and remove them from society.

Of course though, if you look at your statements, what is the solution to this problem? There seems to be only one implicated solution, the find and remove Korean and Chinese people from Japan to stem their polluting influence. A "final solution" so to speak.

Seriously here, look at yourself...you're trying to determine the nature of people with Japanese names' blood. The only people that cared about a drop of blood tainting the race and making it a traitor is...well Nazis (and anti-miscegenation proponents).

"AHA zerr is herr drop of Juden-blood! Zat explains zee TRAITOR to zee ARYAN RACE!"

Does it not enter into the mind of you people that these people are anti-Japan, for the same reason hippies in the U.S. are anti-American? That it could possibly be that they're ultra liberals? Or that they're just apologists with guilt complexes, or self-haters? Or that they're misguided in an attempt to ultra-reform society? Or that they dislike those in power or the old regime of hard-liners? No, it has to be that they're really, secretly Korean, or Chinese. Because it is always the tainted blood which pollutes society, not personal views.

No, the solution is not to investigate further and reason with these people. Their arguments are not important. More important is that they're "Der Juden", and they are not worth reasoning with. Never mind that even if they are wrong, and that we can prove it so. It is irrelevant. The big problem is their tainted blood first.

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