Suicides exceed 30,000 for 10th yr (13)

8 Name: Unverified Source : 2010-09-08 18:42 ID:wdzMvG8o

The word "communication skill" in Japan has different meaning
from same word in other countries.
In Japanese society, "KUUKI" is one of the most important ideas.
It can be translated into "atmosphere" or "mood" on linguistic.
But in actual, "KUUKI" is more severe rule for Japanese people.
If you disturb mood, (for example if you say too correctly opinions,
or accomplish great work than others, or take a proper vacation in busy time)
you must accept exclusion and expulsion.
Everyone who surrounds you will hate you and get angry.
They cannot stand such kind of selfishness.
They'll think that you should also accept bad actualities when everyone do.
There is a popular proverb for Japanese people.
"The nail that sticks up gets hammered down."
Yes! Japanese generally choose the way of failure by all members
rather than success by one hero.

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