The Judea international finance capital starts causing a Tokyo artificial large earthquake! (16)

9 Name: TheBoredomInducer : 2011-03-21 15:37 ID:Cti6o9Of

>OK, so one Japanese guy was good to the Jews once. Close enough. Better track record than the Arabs!

Actually, the arabs have a damned good track record with the jews. For many centuries and millenia, while Jews were openly and literally hunted by Christians and the like, the muslims were completely OK with them and they peacefully co-existed. However, for the past 60 years or so the middle east have been ruled by crazy fundies who are a far cry from the science-obsessed muslims who for centuries after the viking era in Europe kept important greek etc science alive and well, which we then re-imported quite some time after the dark ages.
TL;DR: No.

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