The English Chat Room (446)

71 名前: NC60659!jIATReI/SI 2005-05-16 05:27 ID:jhmApeim


I think I just remembered, "加油" means to give it all you've got. I think it means "ganbare" or "huiato". 加 literally means "add" and 油 is "oil". The term is pronounced "jia you" in Mandarin. I'm not too sure about my Ping Ying.

Oh and all this discussion of television series and movies with the subbing and dubbing... I'd much rather have subtitles only. I barely focus on the text and it really helps when you're learning the language. I just recently downloaded 10 episodes of MTV's Downtown and found out that they had French subtitles. Because I understood what they were actually saying and a bit of French, thanks to Canada's bilingual education, it's obvious that there are just some terms or phrases that are left out or changed during the process of subbing because it just wouldn't make sense in another language/culture.

I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer and 24. In fact, in North America, the 4th season of 24 is almost over. I can't wait for the season finale. Buffy has been long over and I'll probably watch the series slowly over summer vacation by renting the DVDs from my local video store.

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