test てすと テスト (33)

1 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-14 07:18 ID:RqWuFrvo

test  てすと テスト

2 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-14 07:52 ID:RqWuFrvo

     ,.-‐'" ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄"'‐-、       
   i´  ,.―――――――`  test  
   |  i´ ⊂ニつ  ⊂ニ⊃(     
   |  |   ――   ―― ヽ    
   |⌒ヽ             i    
   \_ノ、         0  ノ    
  ⊂|\/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄´⌒ヽ/|⊃
    \ /|          |~\/   
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    

3 名前: test♥ 2005-06-14 12:39 ID:4TJRm0OP


4 名前: test ♯ 2005-06-14 13:17 ID:sklWqXti

test ♯

5 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-14 21:46 ID:Heaven


6 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-15 06:11 ID:WhJEWRMq


7 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-15 07:59 ID:AVqTO3UI


8 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-15 18:57 ID:Heaven

安心しますた。。。 test

9 名前: = 。= 2005-06-16 16:07 ID:Heaven


10 名前: = 。= 2005-06-16 16:13 ID:Heaven


11 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-17 10:56 ID:Heaven

What's going on in here?

12 名前: = 。= 2005-06-17 11:30 ID:Heaven

Talking about default arrangement mode of index page
in every boards(>>5-10).
Why many a board is arranged in center?
Only Feedback,DQN and Game Board are arrenged in leftside .
Centering is not suitable for ASCII board.

13 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-17 13:12 ID:Heaven


You mean centered by <div> tags?
Because I don't see any.
And I don't see any difference in the setup of the boards, either, at least not by the aligning.

Using Firefox 1.0.4 for WinXP Pro here, by the way.

14 名前: = 。= 2005-06-17 14:42 ID:Heaven

Thanks >>13
I'm not good at PC softwears and OS.
Maybe the problem is that many a Japanease who comes here
is using PC in default mode.
That is Japanese mode Win2000 or XP with IMEIE5.5/6.
In this case ,it seems all the index boad become centering mode.
Sorry,I know Firefox's name only in AA's charactor.
refer to ASCII Board "Cute girl" thread 194-195.  LoL

15 名前: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-06-17 14:44 ID:brQliAUg

Probably a bug/"feature" of Internet Explorer.
I also get centered text when I view this page in IE, and properly left-aligned under Firefox or Opera.

Waha, where are thee? Fix it.

16 名前: = 。= 2005-06-17 15:21 ID:Heaven


One more strange thing is that this condition is different
depend upon each board.
Feedback and DQN boad are left-aligned both Index page and Entire thread(last50 also).
In ASCII boad Index page is center-alined,but Entire thread(also last50)is left-alined.
Others are all center-alined both Index page and Entire thread.
Till the last week, I can see the Index page of ASCII in left-alined.
And when I cheked yesterday Mabga boad Index was seen in left-alined,now in center.

Very strange. Maybe this must be Bill Gates's plot.

17 名前: = 。= 2005-06-17 15:30 ID:Heaven



18 名前: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-06-17 15:53 ID:brQliAUg

Under IE, I see the following:

Feedback: Left-aligned.
Anime: Centered.
ASCII: Centered.
DQN: Left-aligned.
Food: Centered.
Games: Centered.
General: Left-aligned.
Manga: Centered.
Music: Centered.
News: Centered.
Politics: Centered.
Tech: Centered.
Science: Centered.
Film & TV: Centered.
Internet Culture : Centered.
Programming : Centered.
日本語: Centered.

19 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-17 18:41 ID:xnA8JX99

理由は分かりませんが、確かにIE6.0は、このページを Centered で表示していますね。(私が使っているOSは、日本語版のWindowsXP SP1)

20 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-17 22:56 ID:Heaven





21 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-06-24 07:19 ID:Heaven

The bug is known to Squeeks (our admin), but as of now he doesn't have a machine with IE installed:
So if you know of any fix to this and can test it, maybe you want to tell him.

22 名前: = 。= 2005-06-29 17:08 ID:Heaven

ASCII board becomes no probrem with IE. now.
Left-aligned━━━━━━ヽ( ・(ェ)・ )ノ━━━━━━ !!!

23 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-07-09 11:32 ID:Heaven

   n                n
 (ヨ )              ( E)
 / |             | ヽ
 \ \/( ,_ノ )/( <_, )ヽ/ / good job!!
   \(uu     /     uu)/
    |      ∧     /

24 名前: 23 2005-07-09 11:33 ID:Heaven

でも、ズレた。。。 orz

25 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-07-21 14:13 ID:U66bSLzn

             /ヽ       /ヽ
            /  ヽ      /  ヽ
  ______ /     ヽ__/     ヽ
  | ____ /            :::::::::::::::\
  | |test    /ヽ、_    ∠二、,ィ :::::::::::::::|
  | |      |  ̄`ミl==r'´     /  ::::::::::::::|  
  | |      ヽ、_____j  ヽ、_  -'   :::::::::::::|
  | |       |  (__人__丿   .....:::::::::::::::::::/
  | |____ ヽ      .....:::::::::::::::::::::::<
  └___/ ̄ ̄       :::::::::::::::::::::::::|
  |\    |            :::::::::::::::::::::::|       
  \ \  \___       ::::::::::::::::::::::::|      

26 名前: (´∀`)〜♥ 2005-07-22 07:50 ID:Heaven


27 名前: Test 2005-07-24 11:39 ID:Heaven

        What this thread・・・・・・・?
             /ヽ       /ヽ
            / ヽ      / ヽ
  ______ /U ヽ___/  ヽ
  | ____ /   U    :::::::::::U:\    What this thread・・・・・・?
  | |       // ___   \  ::::::::::::::|         iへ   iへ
  | |       |  |   |     U :::::::::::::|        /u '!、_/ '!、
  | |      .|U |   |      ::::::U::::|   ilニニニγ'ソ ,__   ヽ;u;丶  What this thread・・・? 
  | |       | ├―-┤ U.....:::::::::::::::::::/    .|l    l .u !-| u ;;;u;;|                What this thread・・?
  | |____ ヽ     .....:::::::::::::::::::::::<    ||,.   ゝ     ;;:;;;;;<.    ,--∧_∧     ii;===∧∧      what…?
  └___/ ̄ ̄      :::::::::::::::::::::::::|    .!'t-( ̄       ;;:;:;:|    |[ (´д` ;)      !i  i"ロ`;;i      ,、、    w
  |\    |           ::::::::::::::::::::::::|   \\ ̄       '''     ヽ._と    ヽ     !i-⊂´ ;;;<     匚b ソ     。
  \ \  \___      ::::::

     / |   / |
    /,_ ┴─/ ヽ      , 、  ,、
   (・_.,》.'(・_,》)ミ ヽ    . / L--/ l、
  / ,,__,ニ、、 ノ( |    (・;;》 (・;;》 |    /L--/l、
  | Y~~/~y} `, ~ |   |y-,‐vi`ノl |   (・.》 (・.》 l   /L--/l、
   | .,k.,.,!,.,.,r| ,! く    |, kl r| i ^<   | 'fT~ヲ x |  (・〕_(・〕x|   /L/l
 / <ニニニ'ノ    \ / (二二‐ ' \ / l==_」 <  ,l fmヨ ! L 〔゚fヲ゚.〕 、.。., .

28 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-07-25 05:11 ID:Heaven

ズレ杉 test

29 名前: K・JUN1 2005-08-02 02:52 ID:s3ttpBBL

   ♪   /■\   オニギリ
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ    オニギリ・・
        (  へ)      オニオニオニ
          く          オニギリワショーイ

30 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-08-10 21:00 ID:Heaven

☑ ☯ てすと

31 名前: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 2005-09-28 07:47 ID:Heaven

┃   ┏━┓         ・                    ┃
┃   ┃    ┏┓┳.┳ ╋ ┓┏┓┳┓┏┫ ┃    .┃
┃   ┃    ┏┫┃.┃ ┃ ┃┃┃┃┃┗┓ ┃    .┃
┃   ┗━┛┗┻┗.┛ ┗ ┻┗┛┻┗┣┛ .・     .┃
┃             ,,..-----、.,,           ┃
┃          ,.イ"        `ヽ、         ┃
┃        /             ヽ、         .┃
┃       /                ヽ-、      ┃
┃       i                  i `ヽ、_   ┃
┃     ,.-ィ                r''i1 |::i"~,,`i.   ┃
┃    /⌒:| 「`''''''ー‐‐――''''""~ ̄|| !,,:ll |,.!二~ノ   ┃
┃   i-―|| |i::::::::::::::::(  )::::::::::::::,,.ノ;    /__  /  ..┃
┃   |r―|| ~ー---ゝ="――'''"    ,/  /     .┃
┃   `!,.-ゝ、  ,.----------.、_,.---、‐'"⌒;./      ┃
┃    !_r'"~~i"i " ___ i  )   i__,./      ┃
┃     ヾ--ゝゝ7~___ / -'^ー―''"            ┃
┃          f":::;;;;;;;;:`i!/                   ┃
┃           ゙ー―‐‐"                  ┃
┃*The child of 12 years or less must not use this. . ┃
┃*The performance doesn't improve 3 times than . ┃
┃ usual, even if you paint this red color.       .┃
┃*This product is not the UL recognition goods.   ┃

32 名前: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 2005-09-28 07:49 ID:Heaven

┃   ┏━┓         ・                    ┃
┃   ┃    ┏┓┳.┳ ╋ ┓┏┓┳┓┏┫ ┃    .┃
┃   ┃    ┏┫┃.┃ ┃ ┃┃┃┃┃┗┓ ┃    .┃
┃   ┗━┛┗┻┗.┛ ┗ ┻┗┛┻┗┣┛ .・     .┃
┃             ,,..-----、.,,             ┃
┃          ,.イ"        `ヽ、         ┃
┃        /             ヽ、         .┃
┃       /                ヽ-、      ┃
┃       i                  i `ヽ、_   ┃
┃     ,.-ィ                r''i1 |::i"~,,`i.   ┃
┃    /⌒:| 「`''''''ー‐‐――''''""~ ̄|| !,,:ll |,.!二~ノ   ┃
┃   i-―|| |i::::::::::::::::(  )::::::::::::::,,.ノ;    /__  /  ..┃
┃   |r―|| ~ー---ゝ="――'''"     ,/  '/     .┃
┃   `!,.-ゝ、  ,.----------.、_,.---、‐'"⌒;./      ┃
┃    !_r'"~~i"i " ___ i  )   i__,./      ┃
┃     ヾ--ゝゝ7~___ / -'^ー―''"            ┃
┃          f":::;;;;;;;;:`i!/                   ┃
┃           ゙ー―‐‐"                  ┃
┃*The child of 12 years or less must not use this. . ┃
┃*The performance doesn't improve 3 times than . ┃
┃ usual, even if you paint this red color.       .┃
┃*This product is not the UL recognition goods.   ┃

33 名前: &&rrlo;名無しさん@英語勉強中 2005-09-28 21:55 ID:Heaven


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