熟語尻取をしよう! (Let's play Jukugo Shiritori!) (760)

517 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-22 15:59 ID:Heaven

>>514 The meaning of this phrase is the same as the exact phrase in Chinese.. it means "drawing the dragon and painting in the eyes" - if I'm not wrong, the metaphor was that of painting a dragon on a wall that was so realistic, that one would not dare paint in the eyes for fear that it would come alive and fly off. Hence the phrase/ciyu/whateveritisinJapanese means "putting in the finishing touch".

But >>516, 画竜点睛は「ガリョウテンセイ」と読めるんだと思ったんだけど... で晴耕雨読は「セイコウウドク」ので... つながるのは意味ではなく、音じゃないですか? 間違っていないんでしょう? 僕515じゃないけど


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