Budget food in Japan (28)

10 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-07-22 12:25 ID:Heaven

Posting in a legendary thread!


Bring food with you. Namely, oatmeal and maybe a big box of granola bars if you can fit it. Instant oatmeal is tiny and very, very portable--you could probably bring enough oatmeal for two months' breakfast by using oatmeal as padding in your luggage. As for granola bars, I'd recommend the chewy sort as it won't crumble to bits in transit.

Uncooked rice is really really cheap, you don't even really need to ask about its price. The precooked microwaveable stuff is pretty expensive though.


Unfortunately, >>8 is right. There are no girls on the Internet. I'm sorry.

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