I am American. Have any questions? (126)

64 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-19 11:06 ID:bc8f1jhN

Sorry . I apologize to you.I have to admit that I run off the rails.
But believe it or not,I don't like blue jokes so much as 56. lol .
I 'm a earnest English learner and that's why I sometimes come here.
My only goal is making English sentences every day so that
I didn't put a high priority on the contents.
But I think that jokes,in other words,a sense of humor is so important in our life.
We have a proverb that says "笑う門には福きたる”,which means
"fortune comes in at the merry gate"

    with kind regards


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