I am American. Have any questions? (126)

99 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-20 22:58 ID:iFSB9oTD

I was watching some B-movies and I have a question to Americans. What are fraternities and
sororities at universities? OK, I read the description of them in Wikipedia, so my question
is better framed as, "Why do you need them?" I mean, university students are adults and they
don't need such groups to socialize, do they? What's with the use of Greek letters? The description
talks about rituals and stuff. It sounds somewhat creepy and backward. I see they've got some
history, but they still seem to be weird organizations to me.
One thing I found out thanks to the Princeton Review site is that prestigious schools such as Ivy
League schools have lower organization-rates. So am I not too far off when I mentioned the
the perception of "backwardness" above? Thanks in advance <(_ _)>

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