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11 –ź‘OF 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-26 22:56 ID:jntCalRf

In Chinese, Ž„ is a character with the meaning of private or selfish. http://zhongwen.com/cgi-bin/zipux2.cgi?b5=Ž„

I will now translate >>4 into the Engrish Language. Because it's fun.

My naeme iz the DOG GOD.
My leisure is will eating the cats.
As for you person, a cat liker?
Talking about me, I HATE CATS! Because cat is tasty.
The hair of the wonderful being of me is white.
However, As for me again, I like black hair bitches.
Please perservere!
See ya, Yon-Channeru.

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