what about being gay and behaving straight? (21)

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-02 05:39 ID:Qty8PExO

You know that being attracted to a man is not natural. You body was not made to be with a man and a man can not fulfill all your needs sexually, emotionally or mentally. Being turned off to women makes me ask if you need to step back and see how you view women. You you just looking at them from a physical view? Have women hurt you in the past or even your own mom mistreat you? This is more of a heart issue than it is sex. Things in life are not solved by having intercourse. You will always come up empty. You need to view situations going on and see why you think being with a man is better for you. In my opinion it is just going to add to drama and you will be forcing a homosexual lifestyle on yourself.

What has become of your wife? What are her thoughts on this and have you asked her to help you?

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