Masturbating to Lolikon Shota Futa and Others (27)

19 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-12 17:46 ID:L7+mgRVg

This is my opinion:
Well, I'm a young man, and I'm not interested at all in Lolicon, futanari or non straight shota. I'm not attracted to women with penises nor children.
But I love straight shota more than any other hentai genre, because I'm not masturbating to the children that appear in them (or, the depicted children) but about the older women they have sex with and these situations, in class with a female teacher specially. I mean this genre excites me so bad because I would have liked to have sex with some teachers I've had and some others I would have had and it seems much more exciting when YOU are the illegal one (I mean, when I am the minor and my teacher is the adult).

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