So called addiction. (31)

1 Name: RuinedChildhood : 2007-07-16 06:51 ID:X/bGm88R

My parents keep bullying me. They say I am addicted to computers just because they only see me on the computer. My little brothers are always on the TV and my parents don't give a fuck. My parents are also mostly out of the house, and during then I usually do some things. They think that I will get fat and stupid like the computer addicts on TV.

We bought a HDTV because I wanted it in my room when we move to my next home. Now my dad is saying it's going in his room because I have no control on the computer.

What should I do?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-16 13:09 ID:vAyzbXUJ

be on computer while they are away and get off it when they are there?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-16 13:21 ID:E8pDjsL5

hemmm i get you..i guess we are on te same boat.well what i usually do is,either i ignore, go and find your parents and act something out like ask when's dinner?what are we eatting?or just go make up some question so that they won't say you were sitting in front of the computer 24/7. next would be to do some thing else or help ard in the house awhile and go back to your pc ;)

4 Name: RuinedChildhood : 2007-07-16 15:41 ID:X/bGm88R


But my father and mother acts like an autocracy (having all the power).

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-16 18:03 ID:aHZxA1uC

I fuck my mother!

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-16 22:08 ID:vAyzbXUJ

have your parents any knowledge of pcs? if not, stop helping them if they take away the computer.

or make some error happen by for eg. removing the memory. if they are noobs, try to make a deal involving you "fixing" the thing.

7 Name: RuinedChildhood : 2007-07-17 14:01 ID:7vnNefuF


They always refer to me when they need technical help.

Continue... so far this is made of WIN.

8 Name: Mailorder : 2007-07-17 14:16 ID:KD+fs/lz

Just get good grades. Parents can't complain about anything when you bring good grades home.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-17 14:28 ID:6ye/dfoJ

>>8 Yes, that's basically how I do it, i get good grades and they let me do whatever I want to.

10 Name: macdonaldez : 2007-07-17 16:33 ID:3Son1mwr

Yeah- take the grades route- there is absolutely no comeback from that one. I did some really serious gaming when at school and all through university, but i was never prevented from doing this, as i tried hard to get those grades. I now have a PhD, and am still gaming to this day- all good!

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-17 16:48 ID:BDKCJj/w

It's pretty much the same with me, only it's when my parents are gone I'm writing my novel, and when they come home (around 4-5 PM) I'm relaxing by (of course) using the computer. This has created in my mother the firm belief that since I am using the computer when she sees me, I must be using it when she does not.

12 Name: Mailorder : 2007-07-17 22:10 ID:KD+fs/lz

Just curious - what do you have your degree in?

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-18 03:01 ID:SlM2dtn2

I have the same thing. It's just that it's with video games. For the most part, it's just my dad, as Fox news goes pretty much unfiltered directly to his brain. He falls pretty much into the "Saddam did 9-11" crowd. He points out all the sound bites on Fox News and in the papers about people being addicted to video games. However, the big caveat here is that I don't play MMORPGs. I stay away from everything like that. It's a big grindfest anyways, and only is really satisfying if you're a rich Nida kekeke zergrusher. The last time I played was two years ago, RO. Until I got bored with grinding for items. And those were the games pointed to as the major causes of addiction, because of the cost, the need to be on constantly, among other things.

It doesn't matter. Especially the blip in the news about the psychological manual of disorders possibly adding games to the list of addiction, has made him think firmly that I must be addicted. When I was working on a D&D character sheet using the computer, he tried accusing me of indulging my addiction again. But I told him it was for a pencil and paper thing. And not a video game. He's not one to let something inconvenient as the truth get in his way, and he said that it's an addiction to games in general.

I think the hours and hours he sits in front of the 24 hour news stations and network television has pretty much wrecked his brain. It's probably the same with your parents. The news media basically wants to control the internet and computers the same was that they have hegemonized the television networks, so there are a lot of stories out on the evils of computers and the internet. Rupert Murdoch wants to wraps his filthy Aussie tendrils around the internet, by scaring the non-tech savvy with tales of internet predators and porn.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-18 03:21 ID:wMnSYkIf

> But my father and mother acts like an autocracy (having all the power).

Guess what? They do have all the power! You can either wait until your emancipation or run away.

15 Name: ND : 2007-07-18 05:39 ID:rI5sXkPc

...find a way to blackmail them. evil cackle

16 Name: macdonaldez : 2007-07-18 08:06 ID:3Son1mwr

My degree is in Experimental Pathology, however i then switched areas, so my Master's & PhD are in Neuroscience.

Maybe if i didn't do so much gaming i would have finished quicker, but hey- hindsight is 20:20...

17 Name: RuinedChildhood : 2007-07-18 08:46 ID:/IAxJCqW


I do get good grades. They just keep trying to push me harder.


Urm, they THINK they can control everybody without love. See the difference?

18 Name: macdonaldez : 2007-07-18 10:25 ID:3Son1mwr

hmm- how old are you now? Hopefully it won't be long before you can get out on your own, support yourself.

This is where the old grades thing comes in- just work hard at the moment, keep your head down and out of trouble, and get those qualifications. Then when you hit college or a job, whatever- this is your ticket out- leave them behind and don't bother looking back. Go for it with confidence and hard work!

19 Name: Mailorder : 2007-07-18 18:43 ID:KD+fs/lz

Wow, I had to wiki that up.

"As new research techniques, such as electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and molecular biology have expanded the means by which biomedical scientists can study disease, the definition and boundaries of investigative pathology have become less distinct. In the broadest sense, nearly all research which links manifestations of disease to identifiable processes in cells, tissues, or organs can be considered experimental pathology"

Sounds... complicated. And hard to get a job with. But awesome job at making it through med school : p

20 Name: macdonaldez : 2007-07-19 07:41 ID:3Son1mwr

hey, thanks! Although i'm not a medic- just a bioscientist. I take my hat off to the medical guys, though- they have a pretty stressful time of it, especially in the early parts of their career.

My stuff isn't too hard to find a job in- as long as you have good skills, they can be applied in most areas of biology- i'm now working in immunology and cancer research, for example- the area of study changes, but the techniques that you use mostly remain the same. Only trouble is, although your salary starts in the 'decent' region, the pay ladder doesn't go particularly high if you stay in research. sigh

21 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-19 16:42 ID:0DShdVcx

no.6 here

what I mean is, make a show. let something happen to the computer if it's taken from you. removing the memory (or loosening it) is a great way to fool the unknown because they never bother to check the insides. Or give them a virus which is removable. Drives people crazy. make the internet connection disappear by messing with the settings of your ISP (if that's pssible and you don't have a direct-cable-thingy) and whenever something happens - you come and fix it. make it clear that you need time on the net to get the latest knowledge (build it into one of your hoax that you need the net to research the problem since you "have read about it in a newsgroup" or something). They have to depend on YOUR knowledge of computers.

if they still want to keep you away, drop the bomb and say you will not support them in computer issues ever again since they decide to fuck with you even though you have good grades etc.
suddenly you have power. enjoy their faces.


22 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-19 20:20 ID:wMnSYkIf


> Urm, they THINK they can control everybody without love. See the difference?

No. Family life is not a democratic process.
Your childhood is hardly ruined just because your parents don't like you spending time on the computer. You can sit on your ass and play solitaire or watch reruns of "Who's The Boss" for the rest of your life, but you're only young once, and you are wasting your youth by doing even debating it.
Trust me on this, I've already wasted my youth regret it greatly.

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25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-20 01:08 ID:0N/xrAF2

I don't know how much time you spend on the PC, but..

An easy solution is DON'T BE ON YOUR COMPUTER WHEN THEY COME HOME. Even if this means leaping out of the chair and running over to the refrigerator when they open the front door, just don't be seen near the computer when they come home.

Also, don't ever mention the computer to them. Make it seem like you're doing other things--read a book and tell them about it, or mention current events or something.

Better yet, actually get out of the house and do something.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-20 07:15 ID:GZiuXyuo

Yeah, read a book. I recommend the new Harry Potter, you can already download it and read it on your computer.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-21 01:04 ID:gJyPcxzb

What's really annoying is when you don't want to be cooped up at home with nothing better to do than stay on your computer all day, but have to because there's really nothing else to do. The only thing getting me out of the house is my part time job, and because my parents STILL haven't gotten extra keys made for the house(it's been a month since we moved into this place), I've practically been under house arrest. I'd love to go outside once in a while, but there are way too many things preventing it.

Take it from me, enjoy being able to go out and have fun on your own as long as you can.D:

28 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-21 21:19 ID:879kv/Qm

>>27 It's really hard to make extra keys for yourself, indeed.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-21 21:35 ID:/Tk1K6jR

I went outside once.
Everyone told me to go inside.
I wish there was a midside for me.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-21 21:42 ID:3sbDZ7bg

Grades are the key here. Get good grades and give them the big fuck you. Although, there are still parents (that I know of) who seem to feel that being on the computer is a "bad" thing and it makes you less normal? What you should try explaining to them is that you aren't like most people and that is perfectly fine. The only reason why something is considered normal is because it is what the majority of people do but that doesn't really make it right or wrong. So really you sitting at home talking to online friends you probably have more in common with is just as right/wrong as going out. Anyways another plus, you won't be going to parties/getting drunk/doing drugs. Say all of that to them, it should make them think.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-22 00:33 ID:Heaven

How about a gazebo or a pavilion?

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