Looking for a shrink (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-14 20:36 ID:pT2IcpDt

Basically I'm looking for someone to talk to in order to work out my troubling thoughts and actions. I don't want to be medicated. How can one go about finding a shrink? Would a licensed clinical social worker be a better choice? I'm disappointed that there isn't a 1-800-PSYCHIATRIST like 1-800-DENTIST. Plus I don't want to call my insurance provider and let some customer service rep know that I'm crazy.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-14 21:03 ID:1XjH/js7

Millions of people across the world see psychiatrists. Your insurance provider won't think you're "crazy", nor do they have the legal right to discriminate against you because you're seeing a psychiatrist, on psychiatric drugs, or were previously in a mental facility. If you want to get benefit out of it, the first step would be to stop thinking that it's a negative thing and you're "crazy". You just have issues, as we all do.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-15 01:19 ID:14ypI9kC

> I don't want to be medicated.

Then don't take any.
No one can force you unless you have disturbing, homicidal urges.

> Would a licensed clinical social worker be a better choice?

Yes, and cheaper.
Hopefully, they are paid for out of the government pocket (this is depending on your nation/territory, naturally). But you'd likely need a diagnosis from a doctor first.

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