A hatred towards emotionally-weak people (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-27 14:15 ID:7TCDaJea

Lately, I feel despise over people who are, yes, EMO.
It's like, I've been there, I know how to get out of it, but why can't people figure it out?!
I find myself despising emotions, because they are indeed beginning to show itself as a sign of weakness.

Now I think that an iron will and an iron feelings is what it takes to survive the world.

If people do shit to you, beat em up good instead of crying how the world hates you. Revenge is valid as with self-defense.
If people unreasonably disses your artwork, blackmail them and screw them over, and twofolds.
If people attacks you unprovoked, do the world a favor and kill those who attack you.
Don't kill yourself; kill those who want you dead. Kill jerks, assholes and bitches. The world doesn't need more of those.
You are the captain of your body. Never let anyone tell you how you should live your life.
Everything has consequences. What goes around, comes around.
If you hurt people's feelings unreasonably, know that it will come back to you in another shape or form.
If you feel sad, find something to do.
If you can't find something to do, travel.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-27 16:45 ID:P363ZQyZ

The 'eye for an eye' philosophy doesn't work for everyone. That said, 'emo' is just another youth trend. In my part of the world, the earliest I remember was the 'mosher' trend: baggy clothes, chains, etc. Then came goth, then emo.

Also, why do you care so much about these people? Just ignore them, caring about things is a sign of weakness :}

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-27 18:16 ID:3aeuTYkI

I'm frustrated by emotionally weak people who can't pull themselves out of depression too. But I think my way of dealing with depression is a bit less harmful to others than yours, OP.

*Be strong enough not to let the things others do to you hurt you.
*Reminds yourself that not everything revolves around you.
*If people attack you, they're just assholes.
*Work with the talents and resources you have.
*Deal with being alone, but never give up.
*If the people who hurt you are your friends, tell them. If they care, they really are your friends. If they don't, you're either a thin-skinned bitch, or your supposes friends just suck.
*Do things that make you happy. This includes eating and exercising enough, and less time spent on the computers.

You are you. You are not any more special than the people around you, but that doesn't mean you can't feel some superiority when you deal with the assholes in a productive manner.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-27 18:17 ID:Heaven

Also, emo is a silly fashion and shitty music trend. Nothing more.

5 Name: da PG king : 2008-02-27 20:34 ID:CCZFyJYO


hell chea!

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-28 02:13 ID:9NGVUv6W


Do you realize you merely changed your behavior, but did not solve your issues?

By the sound of your post you are on your way to becoming the bitter guy people shun. Know the type?

You have emotions, they are a fact of life. If you replace them with anger you just go from emo to being a hater. Not much of an improvement. In fact it either sets you up to being lonely or having rats for friends.

Learn to manage your emotions, so it won't be emo and you won't get bitter.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-28 02:35 ID:obMfC0oL

Emotions are not a problem. Drowning in emotion and not taking action is a problem.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-28 04:14 ID:Heaven


I agree. People like OP are the ones most plagued by bad emotions. The way OP deals with his feelings is probably the most self-destructive. Yes, so is wallowing in depression, but letting it build up is just as bad.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-29 05:46 ID:2EaWUj+j

OP here.

>>Just ignore them, caring about things is a sign of weakness :}

Maybe, but then, I want something to happen, so I guess I'm risking this kind of weakness, after all, nothing's invincible in the world. Major bad things are simply you can't turn a blind eye to. The trivial ones? Well, that's another story.

>>6 & 8

Nope, now I'm not bitter anymore, and actually, I find myself helping people out just to make a difference. I guess in that, I control myself a lot, and maybe open my eyes to the view of the world.

Before I lost my skills in writing, I used to write a lot. I didn't post them online though. That's what I do before, when I'm not in the best of moods.

Like many men, I've dreaded the thought of grieving because of what I face. I know there's answers to my problems out there, so rather than cry, I actively seek solutions.

Heck, I'm so engrossed replying now I may be speaking nonsense.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-29 12:41 ID:N1d925eC

Looks like:
OP is merely feeling anger at emotionaly fucked up people because OP is subconciously emotionaly fucked up about having taken so long to recover from being emotionaly fucked up. OP is fucked up.
Also, behaving as though the problem is gone does not make the problem dissapear, it just allows the problem time to fester in peace, out of sight for a while. Perhaps OP also subconciously understands that the problem is still there, festering, and is in denial about that, which I'd expect would cause the anger at him/her self to be redirected at others. Probably OP will be annoyed to read this and try to lol.

People who are emotionaly messed up and sit around moping for longer than nessessary, making little to no effort to get back on track are cause for annoyance, definitely. People who try to glamourise emotional problems, flaunt them, etc, are dirty little pests.
There are also people who aren't as emotionaly resilient as others, and therefore can't help taking longer to recover from emotional crap. Behaving as though nothing was wrong wouldn't help them, and there is no cause for annoyance at them, since their 'weakness' is just the same as somebody not being very physicaly strong, or being prone to illnesses, or being bad at maths, etc, etc.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-02 07:09 ID:Heaven

OP isn't necessarily becoming "bitter". There's much joy to be found in living alpha-malesque, mind you. A lot of issues are self-fulfilling prophecies stemming from one's behavior, so it's possible OP in fact solved his problems by changing his behavior. We know too little of OP to be able to judge all that.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-04 23:54 ID:C7X59q/0

Your hatred is indicative of an immense personal insecurity. My love for you is ticking clck, berserker. Would you like to suck my cock? Berserker.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-05 04:23 ID:9a+lUSSh

Barring the ironic nature of your post, why should you allow others to influence the way you live?

Emotions are a part of the human experience, by allowing yourself to feel persecuted for having them aren't you forfeiting the power one has over ones self?

Violence isn't going to make you feel better either, there will always be someone there to mock you or disrespect you - the real issue is how you choose to cope with these things.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-11 19:32 ID:Heaven

As a previous medical student, I'll confirm the majority of replies in this thread. OP is a psychology 101 case. In 20 years he'll grow up and realize the truth.

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