Dad (11)

1 Name: awsome-rockr-chick : 2008-04-01 23:15 ID:s0IRIC2t

I am just writing this to rant so feel free to ignore it. I hate my dad. I mean hate, not like oh I'm mad at him for grounding me. He has made my and my mom's life hell ever since he was in them. I hope he dies and goes to hell and I hope his death is cruel and harsh and extremely painful. And you know what? I am glad his dad (my grandpa) died because of whatever fuckin dieease he had because he deserved it. My dad and his whole entire family are sluts, bitches, and mother fuckin hoars. I am done ranting now. If you read this i am sorry for wasting your time.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-01 23:18 ID:Heaven

ITT a stupid teenage bitch doesn't realize her father puts the food in her whore (that's how it's spelled) mouth.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-01 23:20 ID:q41HkzsS

awesome rocker?
Look kiddo, why don't you explain to us how you can hate your father so passionately, and not just him but his entire family? How has he made life hell for you?

4 Name: awsome-rockr-chick : 2008-04-01 23:42 ID:s0IRIC2t

u guys are not very helpful
>>2 your a dick and my dad does not put the food on my plate, he does nothing, my mom does. Also I am just not the best speller in the world
>>3 your kind of a dick, too

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-02 00:01 ID:Heaven

Wuts a hoar?

6 Name: sage : 2008-04-02 00:51 ID:+P/uAghl

This isn't really a place for ranting, especially if you don't give any reason for ranting. Maybe people would be helpful if you actually gave some valid reasons why you hate him, and what he's done.
Also if you know you spell poorly, write your post in a program with a spellchecker, then copy and paste it to the posting box after it's fixed.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-02 00:52 ID:Heaven

Speaking of errors, wrong box. I think I need sleep.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-02 01:04 ID:Heaven

This is a discussion forum, not your LiveJournal. Please take your "ranting" somewhere else, unless you're willing to talk about the issue in a civilized manner.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-02 03:26 ID:q41HkzsS

why thank you lol, you're right I am kind of a dick, in a sense, but this is all besides the point

I'd love to be helpful in whatever way I can, but the only thing we know atm is that your dad "has made your life a hell", and the rest is just your angry thoughts towards him.

What do you want us to say to that?
"ok, thanks for sharing"?
Do you want a pat on the back, some groundless sympathy?
Or do you want advice and encouragement based on some actual facts about your situation?

10 Name: ((/ デ.ㄟ) : 2008-04-02 03:47 ID:Heaven

((/ デ.ㄟ)

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-02 12:05 ID:Heaven

You sound like a typical stupid teenager with a lot of complexes (look: oedipus negative pole complex) and insecurities, and no I don't mean gay/lesbo.
Also, it appears you lack basic education, which most certainly guarantees childish thoughts.
You officially have a 12yo's brain. What I'm trying to get at is that you are unoriginal, boring, uneducated, angsty, full of insecurities, complexes and stupid. And I figured all this just from 2 posts from you. I imagine you most likely have more issues than the ones addressed above, as a matter of fact, a pile of un-'s.

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