This is the last straw (Cleaning Issues) (13)

1 Name: Dusty-chan : 2008-05-31 04:53 ID:kZJVDiA2

After cleaning the room, I have deicded that this is it. I share a room with my other siblings and they're disgusting pigs. No wonder I can't find anything, I'm too busy choking on dustballs. I'm messy too, but in an unorganized sort of way, but that's because there's nowhere to put my things, so I clutter everything in my bag, and at least I make an effort to clean when I'm not tired. They just walk over things. Needless to say, I'm tired of their behavior and having to be the one to clean everything.Is there any way to get my parents to be a little more stern and make them clean up after themselves?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-31 04:58 ID:nwSiEmpS

Try talking to your siblings?

3 Name: Dusty-chan : 2008-05-31 05:01 ID:kZJVDiA2

They basically ignore me or start whining about something else. If I could talk to them about this, then the problem wouldn't be so bad, but they don't listen.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-01 13:00 ID:wIoTKhEC

You need to get them interested in Chore Wars.

5 Name: Dusty-chan : 2008-06-01 13:35 ID:kZJVDiA2

Chore Wars? Sounds interesting


It might not work if there's no incentive though ;_;

6 Name: Jx : 2008-06-01 15:42 ID:/uyYv7fS

Well I would say split up the room with a curtain or a line!

You keep your own area clean and tidy and let them be untidy all they want.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-01 22:18 ID:eNDGe0dk

Haha, I used to do this when I was a child. I would always make my half of the room smaller and in turn throw all the junk on my sister's side. When she complained, my response would always be: "Well, I have the smaller side!" It always worked. XD

But, OP, I would try this! If you can stand being surrounded by the mess, you'll be able to have your own safety zone of cleanliness!

8 Name: Dusty-chan : 2008-06-06 23:40 ID:kZJVDiA2


No can do D: The room is too small and the furniture is arranged in a way that I cannot


Good idea, I will try to keep my side the cleanest! A SAFE HAVEN FROM DIRT!

9 Name: Dusty-chan : 2008-06-09 04:32 ID:kZJVDiA2

The room is messier now that my dad left for work related vacation but at least it's clearer.


I've been cleaning up after myslef and notice the difference :)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-10 04:07 ID:xNYnuB4c

reminds me when we cleand a friend's floor before he moved out. we were like 'omg, the floor actually was WHITE and not greyish/green!?'

The walls probably still are yellow, though we are convinced they should be white. Heavy, heavy smoker.

11 Name: Dusty-chan : 2008-06-10 04:49 ID:kZJVDiA2

That's how I felt when I first waxed the floors #.# So clean~

Did your friend every leave the window open or did he smoke that much. I live with a parent that smokes and the walls are still pretty white (or perhaps that is just the paint?)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-11 03:35 ID:RaqSQoHm


13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-12 09:22 ID:E7qJIlMa

Took long enough, the OP even but disgusting pigs in italics.

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