Serious gender confusion... (32)

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-23 18:48 ID:nyd9120/

Transsexual transition is not easy. Even if you're flawlessly passable and stinking rich. It carries many health and social consequences.

I took female hormones from my sixteenth birthday until Jan. 2008. That's two years. when I left home, I realized how difficult life can be. You basically have an option between sex work to pay for your lifestyle/surgeries, or a dead-end job that pays barely enough for you to live. My detransition was a result of not wanting to do sex work, and clearly not having the money to continue. Sad but I am finally enjoying the many facets of life as a male.

Oh, and the hormonal changes are not reversible. I look pretty underage and still get "ma'am" with short hair. Also, boobs. Caution is strongly encouraged.

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