I want to die (32)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-22 10:38 ID:C2jw/tM3

I feel the same way, but for somewhat different reasons. I'm a university student and am doing very well with my studies (I've been pulling almost pure perfect scores and I've advanced in my studies almost three times as fast (as far as credits are concerned) as most of the students who started at the same time). I'm getting money from the government because of this, so the only job I've ever had was being a part time teacher at my old high school.

I'm 21 and still living with my parents. I have no friends and next to no social skills. I've never held hands or danced, let alone done anything more intimate, with a girl. I'm still getting acne despite trying to get rid of it for years. I spend my days studying and wasting time on the net.

My plans for the future are to write a Ph.D. thesis and then kill myself. Too bad the gun control in my country is much more strict than in the United States, so I'll have to think of another way.

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