xmas baww ;_; (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-24 22:45 ID:qQQog38x

oh man this xmas sucked big time. my gf left me so i celebrated with my family. after receiving ridiculously uncreative gifts, we start talking and they are increasingly being racist talking about immigrants and so on. i am like every case is different they are not all from the mafia and beside its xmas anyway, well it ended in a big argument and we all retreated to our rooms... wtf, i feel like not talking to them ever again. this is just not how i want to spend my time...

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-25 01:52 ID:IkZ1AmxN

been there, done that. Seems like some people don't age well, and become chauvinists, bigots, or both as youth leaves their brains. The best is to be patient while remaining attentive to your own values.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-27 21:48 ID:Heaven

> they are increasingly being racist talking about immigrants and so on. i am like every case is different they are not all from the mafia and beside its xmas anyway, well it ended in a big argument and we all retreated to our rooms...

Entirely your fault.
Do not argue politics, just smile and nod.

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