A Racial Fear (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-25 09:24 ID:zgLTjWPM

Recently, I had a very engaging talk with my Japanese teacher from high school regarding an exchange program. I found out that he's head of the committee that oversees a sister city program for teachers from the US to Japan. He said that once I graduated, he could get me into this program and I could start teaching English over in Japan once I finish college. Up until now, I was stoked at the prospect of going to Japan and teaching English and he also said that the program would cover my living expenses, provide room and board, and provide me with income. So for a while, I was very excited about this exchange program, but the recent world baseball championships began to worry me. I am a Korean. Mind you, I'm completely Americanized so I myself hold no grudges against Japan however, what I have recently became afraid of is how Japanese people will perceive me over there, seeing how they're already xenophobic. I guess what I fear is that the kids will try to make my life hellish because of the fact that I'm Korean and a teacher, or the administration, seeing how they're older and more likely to still be holding on to old grudges. I just want to know if these fears are unfounded or that I might have to unfortunately decline my teacher's offer.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-25 11:36 ID:+r7ijIfQ

>>1 I'm not in Japan, so I can't tell you for sure, but there are Koreans living in Japan, and one does not hear of abuse towards them. I think you are being quite paranoid here.

Also, don't forget that most of these feelings are political group feelings. When you meet your students, it will be very personal, they'll be more interested in your life in the US, the kind of music you listen to, etc. I'm sure they won't give a damn about your ancestry.

As for the administration, they ARE organizing an exchange program, not setting up concentration camps, for heaven's sake. I think they will be totally professional about it and help you the best they can.

Also, when you decide to travel abroad, you have to get an optimistic outlook in life, and not be consumed by fears and anxiety. Assume the best, and ignore the bad. For instance, in Taiwan and Korea there were sometimes some mishaps (like a restaurant not wanting to serve foreigners), but so what? Their loss, no time to lose with such loosers. On the other hand I met plenty of friendly people there, and had tons of fun. Five minutes of mishap, plenty of hours of good time and great memories ^_^

3 Name: >>1 : 2009-03-25 13:45 ID:Heaven

are you gay?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-25 15:57 ID:Heaven

>>3 are you a brat? What do gays have to do with the issue? Don't tell me you still consider gays wimpy? Are you still living in the middle ages? or typing from kindergarten?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-25 16:24 ID:+SC4ZcG6

Really, don't worry about it.
Yeah, you will occasionally encounter a racist, but that's the exact same risk you run in the US. Honestly, they're going to be much more interested in your American-ness than they are going to be in your genetics.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-25 17:13 ID:zgLTjWPM

thanks for easing some of my fears, I guess they were sort of baseless nowadays.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-31 04:07 ID:hH0jhD/j

It's the same anywhere in the world, OP. Some people are going to hate you, others won't.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-03 22:58 ID:thuFEojw

Koreans sometimes are discriminated against in Japanese society, but I wouldn't worry about it if you are going as a teacher. Most of it is among children I think and you know children, its pretty much the same everywhere.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-05 23:29 ID:m58U12QU

I have foreign friends who are students at my school who are both from Japan and Korea and they get along fine. Like in America, I think it's mostly the older generations who hold on to racism.

10 Name: vc: kouth : 2009-04-06 06:54 ID:Heaven

Gays are wimpy you dirty homo lover! Why don't you go suck a penis you dirty gay!

11 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-06 10:15 ID:Heaven

>>10 No thank you, I'm fine being het. But you know, since you seem to be hysterical about gays, maybe you have some unassumed homossexual urges? Are you secretly oping that some guy sucks yours? ^_^

12 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-06 18:55 ID:GuUgJiPn


That's what all faggots wish for.


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