Shit in general... death by ten-thousand papercuts (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-11 01:51 ID:x5rnAa08

Well, let me thing. To begin with, i'm mildly autistic, but i don't relay mind that. All i do is game and think and love it, but it does push people away when all your interested in is entertainment and largely infathomable informations from the occult to nuclear technology, but i still don't get the human race. Ill get into by request.

People are all traitors and liars. I'm starting to really trust Anarchy Club on this. People who I'd damn near die for before just betray me one after one, steal my stuff, etc, and I'm fairly good at choosing my friends.

I don't know what to do... I'm just looking for an intellectual fuckbuddy. A broadly interested fellow... journeyman... Philosophy, science, war, history, anything.

I really dont think there is anyone like that in this town of 16k.

I dont know... i havnt realy began to scratch the surface, but i will cast my creation into the sea

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-11 12:44 ID:J6ig9oKr

Hum... Care to explain the episodes of betrayal that you lived through? Otherwise you will sound a bit paranoid.

Also, there are plenty of people who share your interests. Why don't you methodically check organizations, clubs, facilities where those people could gather? For instance museums, astronomy clubs, etc.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-11 16:12 ID:VK6OH/R9

Did a professional diagnose you or did you read up on Asberger's on the internets and decide it was a decent excuse for your behavior?

You should get out more, move to a city, and go to college. Audit a couple classes if you've already finished college.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-11 18:37 ID:2bVaIter


>implying there are colleges on 16k-inhabitant villages

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-11 19:08 ID:x5rnAa08

Well, one freind asked to buy my PS3, said he'd pay me, never even talked to me.
Every one of my friends keep getting GFs and forgetting their bros.

Kinda people that live next door, but ya don't see em more than once a few months...

Aint like i don't have nothing interesting to say.
I can teach a man the finer points on using an AK-47, despite canadian gun laws prohibiting me from owning shit.

Every one of em were /b/tards, ranging from 20 minutes a week to 20 hours a week.

I guess it might be that people aint interested in becoming something more, from knowledge of guns to philosophy, but god damn I wish that there were more people out there.

What a dreary life people live.

Well >>3, the doc said auttie symtoms go with scizophrenia
Fingure not to talk about whats a little more that simple voices... If i ever want to get rid of them, since the pill never did and never will do anything, ill just jam the knife of four designated for combat into my jugular and bleed out to a nice, slow but painless death...

Besides, found a thing on the net with 14 signs of autism... 10 were definate, three were sorta... should say nuff.... Might just be a crazy fuck.

Aspergers is a stupid name. Auttie sound way cooler.

It's not like they were dumb neither. 120 to 160 range IQ. Bitches do funny things to a man. A bitch can associate with whatever twitty or bitchy freinds they want, but YOU better not have any freinds.
So let me preach brothers: Reason with the bitch, and if she can't be reasoned with, get a last fuck from her and put her out.
"Give to them nothing, but take from them EVERYTHING"
Movie was stupid, being that real spartans were idiots who fucked eachothers ass alot due to prison-like military school upbrigning, but damnit its a good line.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-12 16:43 ID:Heaven

So to summarize, because your language is confusing me, you are:

  1. Schizophrenic, but choose to self-diagnose as autistic.
  2. Do not trust anyone, including your doctor.
  3. Looking for someone to trust and converse with (and possibly have sex with, but I take it you mean 'intellectual fuckbuddy' as opposed to 'intellectual masturbation')

You may scare people off, as your symptoms of schizophrenia could be more noticeable to other people than you may realize. Please talk to your doctor and ask him to change your medication if it doesn't work.
If you don't want to do that, than learning to recognize and control your words and actions would be a good first step. Avoid talking about guns and death. For some reasons (and honestly I don't completely understand why myself) these types of topics can creep people out.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-13 02:50 ID:x5rnAa08

Thank you, that's good advice.

for reference, i meant intellectual fuckbuddy in the tense of someone to bounce ideas off and learn from, at a remarkable intensity.

I've tried pills, olanzapine and serequil... After 3 1/2 years I've managed to force them to the edge of the cliff. I'm relatively fine.

I had a freind, who was hanging around me for a while... He stopped being my freind after i got into guns.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-13 05:49 ID:qUisiHu5

So you're mentally unstable and love guns. Not very surprising that you're having problems making friends. You also seem to wish for a very exclusive and demanding relationship, since your friend having a girlfriend seems to be a problem. It would be nice if you manage to learn to be more casual and less dependent on these issues.

I think the most important would be that you get proper and competent medical assistance. It would be nice to have a real diagnosis of the condition affecting you, and not some half-assed second guess. This can be non trivial, so I suggest you try to check-up more than one psychiatrist to have a more grounded investigation, and continue therapy with the one you click the best.

Finally, I suggest you develop other interests than guns (which you seem to already have). Turn them into social activities and be open to novelty. Meeting people is also about being willing to learn new stuff.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-13 06:00 ID:4KhnAi3Q


>and I'm fairly good at choosing my friends.

Get a clue: no, you're not. You thought you were.

Also take into consideration that as you grow up, the "friends" the way you had them back when you were a little kid won't exist anymore. People will focus themselves on their couple, and that's a normal thing. No, it's not cool, no, it's not fun, but that's how it works. Good friends will find time for you. Buddies will see you sometimes. And acquaintances, you'll never see them again.

Again, it's not fun and sometimes isn't fair, but that's how life goes.

10 Name: 6 : 2009-09-13 20:24 ID:Heaven


> I had a freind, who was hanging around me for a while... He stopped being my freind after i got into guns.

I understand where you're coming from, it's difficult to adapt to social mores when no person is willing to point out what you are doing that offends or frightens people.

> i meant intellectual fuckbuddy in the tense of someone to bounce ideas off and learn from, at a remarkable intensity.

I thought so. But you can see where someone could become confused by your language.

Also be careful if you choose to discuss politics or religion (religion includes the occult). These are touchy subjects that can antagonize people if you go about it the wrong way. Myself, I'd love to have open discussions about these things, but because people have deep personal convictions and become uncomfortable when they are contradicted, they get defensive or angry. Sexuality is the same as death and violence, it's more likely you'll creep someone out (why? that's an interesting topic in itself...).
Whenever you talk to someone, pay close attention to the expression on the person's face and their body language. This can tell you how they are 'feeling' (if he or she is receptive, defensive, frightened, interested... very good to know).

I wish I could find you a friend that would understand you. All I could do is offer myself as a penpal, but my replies might not be fast or frequent and I have no strong interest in guns (most being relativly simple machines with a singular functional purpose) or games (quit that drug sometime ago). Philosophy, science, history.. that's all good though.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-16 00:06 ID:PnaubcnB

How is this guy schizophrenic?

12 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-16 01:02 ID:Heaven

what i've learned is that there are two kinds of friends. The ones you hang with,go shopping,go clubbing,go to the movies are basically a popularity contest. Shit changes FAST and LOTS OF DRAMA.

And the ones(i have met two in this lifetime and still friends) were you can just SHUT UP and enjoy the silence and "know" that everything is well. No games, nothing to prove just enjoy eachothers company. Now THOSE are friends forever where you haven't seen the guy in a year and instantly catch up and hang out and part ways (that's life)...

I hope you meet that person,it's worth it^^

13 Name: thanks for reading : 2009-09-16 15:37 ID:Heaven


> Well >>3, the doc said auttie symtoms go with scizophrenia
>Fingure not to talk about whats a little more that simple voices... If i ever want to get rid of them, since the pill never did and never will do anything, ill just jam the knife of four designated for combat into my jugular and bleed out to a nice, slow but painless death...
> I've tried pills, olanzapine and serequil... After 3 1/2 years I've managed to force them to the edge of the cliff. I'm relatively fine.

14 Name: Arabesque : 2009-09-20 08:33 ID:ec0TlZZ7


Well, what i think he's saying is: that if he ever listens to voices, he's going to jam the knife, etc.

In my opinion he really is autistic, a delusional, detached from reality, autistic person. And i think that this is proved because of his obsession with guns and lack of social intelligence. Really, don't make the guy think he is schizophrenic, i have indeed been diagnosed with schizophrenia once before and i can tell you that...

In order for a person to have schizophrenia you must feel like you are falling apart, like you are divided into little pieces and of course... You have to listen to voices and feel shapes around you and stuff like that. My symptoms were extremely different from the main ones this guy has.

Eventually someone who'll respect you and your issues will show up, until then, don't try to make friends because you're obviously surrounded by assholes.

In the meanwhile OP... Don't bother trying to make friends, if you are truly autistic you should just give it up because you'll just get used over and over again because of your naiveté. And if you want to talk to someone and so on, talk to a therapist, they might not be responsive but they'll put up with your gun crap.

Another solution could be joining a forum about guns, don't you think? I'm sure there will be lots of people interested in them there.

I googled some forums, here:

I'm sure you'll find it interesting to talk with people who actually have guns.

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