How not to scare off a potential friend of opposite sex (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-11 19:27 ID:mJWqHdPi

I met a girl some time ago. I spoke with our mutual friend and it turns out she's been through a lot recently and she needs a friend. Now I want to meet with her since she's a really nice person and I believe I could help her. I don't want her to think that I'm trying to go beyond friendship (I might want to do that in the distant future; not an issue now). What do I do? Is inviting her to some kind of a chocolate cafe or an informal teahouse too much? Are walking her home and giving her a hug proper?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-13 01:29 ID:odawj+yi

Treat her like a normal human being and you'll do fine, silly~

If you also want to avoid being friendzoned, though, try to retain a hint of mystery to your character. This works wonders.

Chatting at a cafe is great.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-15 05:37 ID:Heaven

> What do I do? Is inviting her to some kind of a chocolate cafe or an informal teahouse too much? Are walking her home and giving her a hug proper?

Ask yourself: Would I do this with a male friend?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-24 07:17 ID:tYUwD/kk

Shows, events, hikes, museums.

These tend to be less awkward than a teahouse or restaurant because, at least superficially, you're there to enjoy the activity at hand. Unless of course she's a fucking tea fanatic. Then take her to a teahouse.

I second

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