lost fain in humans (11)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2015-03-09 11:01 ID:PN5eoKTS

Did you move to Taiwan to start life over? How have you found it to work for you?

I know this thread is a couple months old so OP might not be checking it, but I can relate to the fundamental sentiment being posted here that all people are inherently bad.

It sounds like you've went through some shit, but it also sounds like you've accomplished some good things, too. You may not feel it at the moment, but getting your music out there really is an achievement, and your average everyday person will never do something like that. Sure, people will try to use you to get ahead, but you can't judge your accomplishments by that. Try to look at it from the perspective of the self, instead: you set out to do something, you committed to it, you saw it to completion, and you released it to the public. That's an accomplishment, no matter how many people download it.

And on top of that, you're living in Taiwan. Your post insinuates that you are from a Western country, so I don't think you need me to tell you how big of a deal it is to make a move like that, especially considering the fact that most people stay in their hometown all their lives, or at most only move a couple hours away.

I can connect with some of what you're writing; I, too, am 25 and have been tossing the idea around in my head that I want to move to an East Asian country (currently teaching myself Mandarin, making surprisingly good progress) because I feel so "down and out" here. Maybe a change of scenery and a new challenge will do me some good. Have you found that to be the case for yourself?

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