Baby Boomers (11)

1 Name: Citizen 2005-06-11 07:43 ID:tHWYMFGy

What do you think about that Baby Boom generation? The most important, influential generation ever? Every generation since has been an imitation of the rebellion of the 1960's, just with slightly different clothing and music. The boomers INVENTED rebellion, right?


2 Name: Citizen 2005-06-11 08:04 ID:Heaven

The boomers of the 19060's didn't invent rebellion. But it's true that a big children/parents quotient will help in nurturing social tensions. The European settlers in North America, for instance, came from a generation when biological reproduction was at its peak in Europe (in England up to 8 children per parents in average). Good thing there was another continent to populate, eh? Unfortunate for the native Americans, though.

Today's baby boomers are coming from the muslim countries/population, though. In the last 100 years they have approximately grown by the factor 8.

3 Name: Citizen 2005-06-11 19:32 ID:PknT6FGC

Well, we are basically listening to the Boomer's music, and using the boomer's sense of style. Our culture, our media came about because of the boomers. I think Xers and Yers are living in their shadow to be honest.

4 Name: Bloodninja : 2006-07-21 00:34 ID:wGblhwTg

Evry generation rebels against the current society. Then condemns and demonizes the next generation for doing the same thing.

5 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-26 08:10 ID:GFHqgCiD

The geriatric boomers, while expanding productivity in yester-year, they have now become an ever increasing economic burden on the younger generations.

Keeping them alive is overly burdensome on the healthcare system and on the young tax payers. While more of them are retiring, collecting government pensions and heavily subsidized health care, an ever decreasing working population (due to the costs of child upbringing), must pay increasingly heavier taxes to support these elderly people. They are a deficit to society.

The medical field must take the blame for preserving the lives of smelly, old, cripple, alzheimer's ridden, incontinent, blind, grey haired uglies.

6 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-27 04:19 ID:bZ8vDCQe

I think they should be systematically shipped to Pluto, which of course is NOT a planet.

I pay into Social Security so they can take my money and run, and I'll never see any of it back. Nice pyramid scheme, those bastards.

7 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-27 08:45 ID:fB0X9qb4

I wonder if >>5-6 will still think that way when they're approaching retirement age themselves.

8 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-27 12:16 ID:NRDy0GGg

When i'm get to that age i'll eat my words (>>5) and, like the geriatrics are doing now, rip off the system. (What goes around, comes around).

Alternatively, I may figure that, if I can't do a shit without someone else wiping my ass, i may as well drop dead.

9 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-28 03:56 ID:wLH7U+wj

The hippie generation ruined America.

10 Name: 6 : 2006-12-29 08:49 ID:bZ8vDCQe

>>7 of course not. by then i'll be ripping off some new suckaz!

11 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-04 03:40 ID:jZSW0NmA

I'm old gimme gimee gimee

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