Drug experimentation? (69)

45 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-24 23:58 ID:OC6OXgPo

Beer is harmful. Compare the CATscan of a casual drinker with that of a non-drinker. Several key areas such as the cerebellum and frontal cortex show damage, yes, even in the "responsible, casual, social drinker" - (I'll post sauce for this)

In almost all cases, you are better off (ex; healthier, sharper, more alert, smarter) before drug use than after drug use. When I say drugs, I mean Illegal substances; meth, marijuana, cocaine, crack, acid, LSD, heroine, extasy, etc. When I say "drugs" I also mean LEGAL substances like beer and painkillers.

Societal Heath > Personal Freedom
Needs of many > Wants of few

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