Anarchists are hypocrites. (65)

11 Name: Citizen : 2008-12-31 02:47 ID:KXBkPmX6

Anarchy and capitalism go hand in hand. No government regulation or taxation means more profits. It also sets things up to be run by organizations, which would bring everyone back to square one. Anarchy and socialism (and offspring) would not work because those economic policies require the intervention of an overseeing power. Anarchy and bartering would be perfect but who really wants to barter?

  • Anarchy + capitalization = Eventual governing by large scale organization/corperation. Circle of Life.
  • Anarchy + socialist policies (and similar) = Impossible and hypocritical.
  • Anarchy + bartering = Great, but overlooked and unwanted. Clumsy and without standard as to value or quality.
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