Anarchists are hypocrites. (65)

14 Name: Citizen : 2009-03-24 13:40 ID:13i1gMQt

I have to disagree with >>8. Comunism and Socialism is a state-regulated affair, where the State becomes the entity that regulates everything for it's citizens.

In any case, Anarchy means simply "No Government", and that, in our current times, is simply not possible. Even then, it is not possible simply because human nature, as a social animal, is to congregate in societies. Societies need some type of rules in order to not sink into mutual slaughter (because that is human nature too). Without any kind of government whose purpose is to formulate such laws, and enforce them, we end up with a Mad Max style society: every man for himself, because, with no laws, murder is not punishable, and things like greed run rampant among ourselves.

Hence, the need for a goverment. Now, now, this doesn't mean I agree with all goverments: there are ways to do things that are better than most current goverments do now, but still, it means there is someone anybody can go to when his/her rights have been broken.

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