Anarchists are hypocrites. (65)

59 Name: Citizen : 2014-09-03 08:14 ID:3f67MLlF

A tribe of 50 doesn't need a government for millions of people but it still has elders and chieftains.

The police haven't bothered me. A democracy with a heavily scrutinized police and military offers some measure of security and freedom. It isn't perfect and no one ever said it was, there is space for improvement and if you have anything intelligent to suggest please go ahead but in the real world perfection is not possible. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater because of inevitable imperfections would be a nirvana fallacy.

Wishing there was no government is like wishing there was no crime. It is an idiotic waste of time for someone who genuinely cares about solving real problems in the real world.

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