Korea should own Japan (41)

24 Name: Citizen : 2009-03-09 02:32 ID:Heaven

(i refer here entirely on rok as no korean nationalist on the internet talks about dprk except with respect to rok)

> a state with an innate lack of a strong government

i imagine the the people of the rok would be someone alarmed at learning that their twenty year old stable liberal democracy is dysfunctional
also do you know what the word innate means, and if so do kindly explain how the south korean state is intrinsically weak

> and a shaky economy at best.

wait what? they've had some problems with regional and global busts, but so has glorious nippon you dense weeaboo fuck.
currently #14 in PPP GDP, placing it above large swaths of europe.

> The US bombed the shit out of Japan only 65 years ago but you don't see the Japanese claiming that the US should belong to them because of it do ya?

possibly because after the war us dumped tremendous amounts of capital into japan in order to restore it to a first world liberal democracy. cf. korea, which was split in half, got some chump change in the treaty of san fransicso (taiwan got more), and which us allowed to stew in tyranny and poverty for decades, was blown to fucking hell and back for some crazy political play, and left in the periphery of the world stage, the northern region still to this day.
yes, this shit has societal repercussions. nidas are nuts because they've been fucked in the ass over the better part of the last two centuries and have only just now clawed their way to a place in the sun by largely their own bootstraps.

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