Proposition 8 (21)

1 Name: Citizen : 2008-10-27 15:58 ID:b0eSxuL1

In California, we have a ballot initiative that will ban gay marriage. This is in response to the courts determining that gay marriage is A-OK.

I just can't get motivated enough to care about this one way or the other. I understand that the marriage thing is supposed to provide benefits to society like tax breaks so you live together and have kids. On the other hand, no one cares anymore and no one is married for long anyway. Maybe that's a negative outlook, but it's true. It's just a piece of paper.

Also, however terribly sexual-preference-ist this may sound, I always thought that one of the advantages of being gay was not having to get married. Seriously, if they want to deal with that, then great? I've also never been terribly threatened by gay people. Never have I been assaulted by gangs of roaming gays or anything.

Basically, I'm voting no out of apathy. I just don't see how gays getting married will affect me personally. Anyone else have an opinion or lack thereof?

2 Name: Citizen : 2008-10-27 17:48 ID:J86+Tu/q

I'm personally offended by the ridiculous advertising the promoters are putting out. They'd make one think that being assaulted by gangs of roaming gays is a common occurrence.

3 Name: Citizen : 2008-10-27 22:38 ID:qA5RhIb2

I think the government shouldn't be involved in marrying either gays or heterosexuals. It's a religious ceremony.

4 Name: Citizen : 2008-10-29 10:33 ID:Heaven

There are a lot of important advantages and risks with marriage that require government oversight. Married couples are taxed differently than single people, marriage consolidates credit ratings, and external arbiters may be necessary to advocate on behalf of the parents so that in the event of divorce assets can be distributed in an equitable fashion.

GLBT aren't stupid folks, and they know that they can hold religious ceremonies with willing churches. They aren't after the ceremony but rather the social rewards that come with settling down and living a productive life.

If you want to get the government out of marriage, you first have to totally redefine religion to the point where it is absolutely innocuous and doesn't have any influence on general order.


5 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-01 07:41 ID:b0eSxuL1

Well, the whole thing is that in California, domestic partners (meaning not only gay people but straight people that live together for a long time) are entitled to specific legal rights that are pretty much marriage...

The other thing, is they have a point, but they continue to fail to make it: legal marriage is about furthering society. There are tax benefits so you get together and raise a family so there's a future generation. Gays in this respect are a dead end (no kids). The campaign is just all about "blah blah blah, they'll teach your kids every detail of sloppy homo-sex in school!" (don't believe it, but maybe teaching the gay kids to wear condoms would help all of society, so go for it). It's more annoying than the gays, seriously. Also, in my backwater small town there's a gay population of about 2 (yeah, the florists), so I'm just not moved. Still voting no, even though I just don't see the point to gay marriage.

6 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-01 21:46 ID:qA5RhIb2

Personally, I don't think having kids is the best way to further society.
Even if it is, what's the big difference between impregnating your wife or adopting a disadvantaged child (like many gay couples who want children do)? The latter is more humanitarian, to be sure.

7 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-02 12:08 ID:Heaven


OP here.

Aren't there straight couples that can do this too??

I'm sorry, but I have to continue to sound like I'm putting up a fight here. I feel like there has to be a reason to vote yes on 8 even though I can't figure it out on my own.

They're just... they're nothing. The gays that want to get married are such a minority that like... what does it matter if they raise some orphan? I just feel as a white male that I shouldn't allow this to happen... but like... why? What does it matter? Is there any argument in favor of this? Any argument that makes sense?

Still voting no.

8 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-02 16:11 ID:hDvVmrKW

>>7 More orphans getting adopted. Thats 1 reason for, 0 reasons against.
Also, If you're apathetic about an issue, then don't vote either way.

9 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-02 18:51 ID:Heaven

> I feel like there has to be a reason to vote yes on 8 even though I can't figure it out on my own.

Various holy books declare that homosexuals should be stoned to death, since that is unfeasible in today's social climate the next best thing is to prevent them from getting married.

10 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-05 14:48 ID:qA5RhIb2

Well, looks like it passed by a 4% margin. Kinda surprising, I didn't expect it to have a chance in the bastion of liberalism that is California. (at least my part of the state)

I'm not gay myself so it's not the end of the world, but it's a little disappointing.

11 Name: J : 2008-11-05 17:09 ID:CwMV8QwX

I am seriously pissed that it passed. I don't think I'll ever understand the logic of christfags...

12 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-05 18:01 ID:XZXFK+Xm

There is no logic.

13 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-05 18:46 ID:IfGBTKfJ

I'm quite surprised that bill passed...but knowing politics in CA, perhaps they will repeal it next election.

14 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-06 04:22 ID:Heaven

Gay people wanting to get married is like blacks wanting to have slaves or women wanting to beat spouses.

15 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-06 08:11 ID:Heaven

>>14 But blacks did own slaves and women beat up men all the time. You just haven't read the right history books or lived in the right trailer parks...

16 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-06 09:07 ID:Gcn0vhA5

The moment I found out the bill passed was the moment my heart an hero.
Excuse me while I get some rope and a place to hang from.

17 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-09 13:11 ID:b0eSxuL1

OP here. Voted no, but not too sad, because like I said, doesn't affect me. Anyway... I am all for this legal attack against the Mormons because this ain't Utah, last I checked. Also, they're completely violating their tax exempt status, so they can GTFO and start being a Church again. I wouldn't think I could say that with any hope for a positive outlook (that is, LDS sued for 110 years of back taxes) but look at who our President is! It's a brand new day! Everything is so much... better feeling, anyway.

Again, still wondering why I'm supporting something I don't really care for, but it's just... I don't know, at some point I became a super-liberal or something. Did living here do this to me? Is it in the water? Would I have a different opinion in Missouri? Maybe it's just that they're my gays, I'm cool with them, and Utah can go get buried in snow or whatever it is Utah does. Yes, I sound like an elite west-coast liberal, and yeah, it feels kind of good... kind of tingly and awesome, that feeling Europeans get almost every day.

18 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-10 02:25 ID:PuGUaxEq

It's because you haven't been exposed to the bullshit, super-paranoia propaganda crap they like to spread in states like mine.

Also, you've probably shared a neighborhood with more than one gay person. Can't say that around here. >_> Sadness abounds. It's like living in a fucking time warp.

19 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-18 00:53 ID:Q/fn5m7L


This guy got it right. Marriage shouldn't be a legal attachment, but a moral attachment. You agree to only fuck one person and that person agrees to only fuck you.

20 Name: Citizen : 2008-12-10 17:12 ID:el9c9Ze+

I think the government should stop trying to dictate where married people can and can't put their dicks.
or fingers for those who are female.
Can't believe Prop 8 passed.

21 Name: Link48010 : 2009-02-23 22:55 ID:+bze3lXM

Prop 8 and the need for it is crap. Why being married in a religious ceremony effects taxes and legal rights at all is beyond me. Here's a though, strip all those special rights away from marriage, and instead give them to Domestic Partnerships that anyone can get. People can still get married however they want, but it will NOT give them any tax breaks, legal rights, etc. That would be my way of solving or lessening the problem (because sure as hell there would always be someone who fights about it). This would leave the idea of gay "marriage" up to the church. Here is another idea, form a new church, there is a recognized Church of Satan, and it's marriages are held up by the government too, if a new Church was formed that allowed gay marriage, the Government would have no right to not accept it's marriages with the same rights.

I'm only glad that my states representative Marilyn Musgrave got voted out finally. She said, and I quote, "[gay marriage] is the biggest challenge we face today." I'm very pro gay marriage, but even at this, pro or not most people laughed at her. I could rant on this all day but I'll stop here.

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