What exactly is a hate crime? (13)

1 Name: Citizen : 2009-02-19 20:17 ID:sc8ydI3c

I see more black on white crimes shown but not considered as a a hate crime. But when a white person is attacked by a black person- what is it called than?

Explain to me what a "hate crime" is.

2 Name: Citizen : 2009-02-20 15:47 ID:W0Fgez6v

It's a crime for which the sole or principal motivation is prejudice and racial (or religious, etc.) hatred.

If a X dude assaults a Y dude to steal him, it's not a hate crime. If he does it because he's Y, it's a hate crime.

3 Name: Citizen : 2009-02-21 02:41 ID:Ik0mQKFz

Very briefly:
Back in the day in small rural communities a few nice white kids could get drunk and lynch a nigger and the sheriff would buy them a round.
Some people didn't like this arrangement for whatever reason.
They couldn't get things done at the state level through law enforcement reform because the state legislatures happen to be full of those old sheriffs.
So they went to DC, where the guys in power are rich noblesse oblige sorts. After a series of debates these folks decided that the best way to handle it was to send a fucking swarm of suitjacketed sunglassed feds to wherever a dark-skinned corpse floated up, with the intention of having them stare the local police down into action and, if not able, to completely wreck their shit and take over the matter themselves and send the perpetrators to federal PMITA prison. Doing so required some sort of crime, so they made killing black people for being black people a federal crime.
As time goes on, similar problems pop up in areas where there's one group with a near monopoly on political power who doesn't much like another group in the same area to the extent of some individuals randomly killing others. The laws have been extended to cover these.

4 Name: Citizen : 2009-02-21 02:47 ID:Heaven

It occurred to I, >>3, that I should probably state more directly the idea: it's not because crimes motivated by group identity are intrinsically worse than those motivated by other reasons, the government doesn't care about that philosophical shit; rather it is to ensure justice in situations where it may be denied.

5 Name: Citizen : 2009-02-21 06:14 ID:0h1TOF1P

A regular run-of-the-mill crime is one committed directly against a person or persons, whereas a hate crime is intended to not only directly victimize someone, but in the process harass or intimidate an entire class of people, making victims of all of them.

6 Name: Citizen : 2009-02-21 19:07 ID:tsOyfcGx

So, >>5, the law does protect whites and Russians from terrorism? There are, today, plenty anti-white, anti-asian, and other crimes. Are they treated fairly or neglected because "hate" is based on race (and gender or sexuality)?

7 Name: Citizen : 2009-02-21 21:18 ID:M2a0aqRS

The problem with trying someone for a 'hate crime' is that it's entirely based on intent. Was John Doe murdered because he's a homosexual? Was he murdered because he angered the wrong person? Was it just a random act of violence?
I don't believe it matters because whatever way you look at it it's still murder and a crime. Except in the cases where it's self defense, civilian casualty, or capital punishment.

8 Name: Citizen : 2009-02-24 02:12 ID:W0Fgez6v

Why hate crimes are a problem has been explained quite well in >>5

As I've stated in >>2, hate crimes supposedly also cover whites from hate crimes against whites, Russians from hate crimes against Russians, and so on. Wether or not this is always applied in your country, I do not know. But it's true that some ethnies and religions are prompt to call the hatred crime even when it's not one, because there is a bigger stigma on those so it makes the affairs more important.

Also hate crimes aren't always murders. There are other kind of crimes.

9 Name: Citizen : 2009-02-24 03:22 ID:M2a0aqRS


Getting drunk and lynching a nigger is already a crime.
Covering it up is a crime, too.
So is supplying minors with alcohol.
Possession of cocaine is also apparently a crime, but those rich DC guys don't seem to think so when their kid's are caught doing it.

> There are other kind of crimes.

Bullshit. No way. Impossible.

10 Name: Citizen : 2009-02-25 01:05 ID:Heaven


> Getting drunk and lynching a nigger is already a crime.
> Covering it up is a crime, too.
> So is supplying minors with alcohol.

Those are state crimes which are handled by the local police. Which wouldn't handle them. Congrats, you've completely misread my post. Try again.

11 Name: Citizen : 2009-04-29 06:28 ID:jokDfAD7

Like Robin Hood? Does a hate crime always have to be related to race and sexual-preference, or could it extend to economic classes as well, or other possible classes such as political parties?
What worries me about 'hate crimes' is that the definition can mean anything, given a savvy prosecutor, making the punishment for a crime of any kind harsher for whatever reasons they may happen to have.

12 Name: Citizen : 2009-05-11 07:00 ID:LW/xXK6H

Yes, it always has to be race-related. Specifically race, color, religion, or nation origin. Currently, there is legislation up to extend this to sexual preference, and it is a big democrats vs republicans issue.

That is just federal hate crime laws. State hate crime laws exist as well.

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