Baltimore riots mega-thread (4)

3 Name: Citizen : 2015-05-05 16:48 ID:KnjXMOrx

This reads to me like

>niggers in Baltmore are a-ok because whitey is evil and is keeping them down!!1!!

This is communist, liberal shit. Slate, it seems, that shit is terrible. The Basketball-Americans in Baltimore are in control of their actions and their lives. There is a demonization of the police going on where they are looked at as evil because a few of them made poor decisions under huge stress.

The problem with ghetto niggers is that they are always decrying the ghettos and their poverty-stricken lives, but tend to be very lazy and not wanting to focus on education. They don't understand that how to get wealth is to create it, and it is not handed out by Daddy like the commie liberals in control of the media and universities believe because they do not have much experience making wealth. Farmers know how to make a life for yourself, but professors and journalists don't,

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