Spoiler tags (5)

1 Name: 1get : 2006-07-07 05:52 ID:HoOWqW5V

the elitist superstructure encourages the use of spoiler tags. since dqn is now afiliated, maybe we should have them.

2 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2006-07-07 07:37 ID:Heaven

gtfo kthxbye

3 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2006-07-07 15:51 ID:Heaven

Real Men use ROT13.

4 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2006-07-08 00:39 ID:Heaven

Real real men use ROT13, twice.

5 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2006-10-10 18:25 ID:Heaven

Triple ROT13 is where it's at, like TDES, you know. We have to avoid mitm attacks, so double ROT13 will not suffice.

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