[Suggestion] Otaku Board (12)

1 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2008-04-12 14:05 ID:5CQ9D/b9

Okay, here's the reasoning: I know that a lot of users over here consider themselves otaku or hikkikomori. I'm not here to discuss if this is justified or not, it has been done many times already on almost every thread on the subject.

No, here's my point: take a look at the "hobbies" board. Take a look at the "personnal issues" board. The first one is cluttered by "weeaboo" threads that are often quite redundant, and the second with "halp I'm hikki" threads, that are also quite redundant. Well, why not, after all, it's the way the community is composed right now I guess.

But there is a problem; I really think this community isn't FULL of otaku and hikkikomori. Well, I am not one. And a lot of people can get sick of trying to access a board, only to see the frontpage full of threads about otaku. So it can either discourage people of contributing, and could also drive some nice and interesting people out instead of drawing them in, because they will think "oh, that's an otaku-filled BBS" instead of "oh, that's an anonymous BBS". When I see a thread starting with "hello fellow otaku" in the "hobbies" section, it makes me cringe; this makes the assumption that everyone browsing the page is an otaku.

Seriously, it doesn't have to be like this. What I'm proposing is not intended to be a form of ghettoisation, but rather a commonplace for people to discuss this lifestyle (I suppose it would go under that category), be it an issue to them or not, to give the other boards a little room to breathe. I also know the flux of posters will also decrease, and maybe the boards will move a little slower in the other sections as well, but I believe this would be short-term. So in short:


  • Less cluttering of frontpages of boards with otaku-related threads
  • Non-otaku people less likely to be scared off/sickened
  • More diversity in the subjects outside of /otaku/, which will also in turn attract more people that relate to the subjects. Probable increase in post quality.


  • Probably less posters/posts in the other affected boards
  • Additional board mean less centralisation (ie, personnal otaku-related issue would be in /otaku/ and not /personal/, even if it is not obvious)
  • Some people might feel they are cattered

Of course, I don't see any development in this as a short-term thing.

Feel free to discuss what you think of this idea, add input, or whatever.

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