Ban the /pol/ fuckers pretending to be communists on /dqn/ (30)

15 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-07-31 16:41 ID:KkHWvtl/

>>7 Thanks, I just now was reminded to look back in on this thread.


>and then calls me a troll simply because I have strong opinions

We've been over and over and over and over and over and over this on dqn itself to the point where I don't feel like rehashing it yet again: that's not why people think you're a troll and you know it. And if you don't know it, that's all the more reason to ban you. You don't get to shit the board up for months on end and then play the victim when someone finally takes the bait and shitposts back at you, sorry.

>>12 Multiple times I've started writing a post in the thoughts thread and then decided against it and deleted it because I didn't really feel like reading the inevitable iOS spergout where he's either calling everyone who either disagrees or is indifferent liberal snowflakes, or racist neckbeards, or whatever the hell, depending on which one of his personas is active today.

>>14 Maybe that's why dqn is the only place you've found where you can post about whatever it is you've been posting about? I think you might feel more at home there among your own kind, if you get my meaning(I mean retards who can't shut up about politics for even one second and think the entire world is America).

This kinda shit is why eternal September is more relevant than ever; netiquette used to be an actual thing, you know?

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