Time travel (209)

66 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2006-11-27 04:05 ID:vgIuB127

ok suppose that we have a looooooooooong tube with inside diameter of 1 cm and length of 10 light seconds. and in side this tube is full of small 0.9 cm metallic spheres lined up from one end to the other. so you push the first sphere. with common sense, you might think that on the other end of our tube, a sphere drops instantaneously right? I mean, nothing is moving faster that the speed of light right? you are just pushing one sphere slowly and on the other end, no matter how long the tube is, one should come out of the tube.
sorry pal, but that’s not the case, its going to take 10 seconds. Practical observation: electricity , more or less is the same concept and it doesn’t travel faster than light. if can’t defy space. how are you going to defy time? the two are closely connect as far as I have heard. so nope: no time travel unless you break space and the laws of universe in some manner.

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