Proof that God Exists (615, permasaged)

405 Name: Proofthatgodexists : 2007-01-27 13:00 ID:nkW6Ne55


>Oh come on, that old chestnut? That quote shows nothing but the utter ignorance of the person repeating it. I'll pretend you didn't say that.

Perhaps you are pretending I did not say it because you cannot refute it? You certainly have not here.

>On my personal standard of morality, of course.

Of course, on an arbitrary set of morals which you deem better than God's. What is your standard of morality based on, and why should anyone else care?

>Admitting that you do not have the answers to every question is equal to "faith" now?

You have 'faith' that you have free will, and 'faith' that someday an explanation will arise that faith can be explained in an evolutionary framework.

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