[Debate] Is God real? [Religion] (445)

113 Name: 43 : 2007-07-20 21:29 ID:Heaven

>You people just don't get it do you, you would have to FIRST have FAITH that your reasoning was valid BEFORE you could use it to prove ANYTHING.

I don't have "faith" in the validity of my reasoning, I trust it. I have the scientific method to back me up and allow everyone else to confirm that my reasoning leads to same result so I trust every other member of the community to verify my reasoning. Even if I was wrong what defines a truth is that everyone accepts it for such, given that there is a lot we still ignore about the universe mistakes have happened when people believed that the sun goes around the earth or even more recent when we believed that stress caused peptic ulcers. Mistakes like this have happened and will happen again while we try to learn about this universe.

I also trust that the knowledge I have acquired through experimentation allows me to reproduce the results any number of times and to predict the outcome if the conditions in the experiment have been changed. Once again this is not faith.

>>How do you know that it is possible?

Nothing is impossible

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