[Debate] Is God real? [Religion] (445)

231 Name: Not 226 : 2007-10-10 05:56 ID:Heaven

> timeline is spurious

Your post is a little hard to understand, but I'm guessing this is your main counterargument.

Why do you say the timeline of the fossil record is spurious? For the most part it's based on a very simple principle of geology, the law of superposition - in layman's terms, this law states "new dirt is deposited on top of older dirt." Extrapolated, the meaning is "new dirt containing new fossils is deposited on top of old dirt containing older fossils." Do you disagree with this?

There's a bit of radiometric dating involved, but carbon-14 decays to undetectable levels at around 60,000 years, and there are few other isotopes suitable for dating fossils and sediments. Geological evidence is the primary tool for constructing the timeline of the fossil record.

> Which new species are you talking about?

Those species that are present today, but are not present in the fossil record. Where did they come from?

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