[Debate] Is God real? [Religion] (445)

316 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-03-06 11:20 ID:z219nqPG

God is not a single concept, but has multiple incompatible meanings for different cultures. A god of rain would not at all be considered a god by certain cultures, if humans can also induce rain. Some people would consider an immortal a god, others not.

As for god being almighty, omniscient, etc,... There is a logical flaw there. An entity so complete can only be the full universe/reality. And if so, why not just call it reality, universe? And if it's not, then it can't be almighty.

Also, I can't imagine that there can be something which has a will, but is still infinite. Having a will implies a limit on which to exercise this will.

All in all, I find the concept of infinite almighty god the most broken there is. But hey, if it makes people happy to feel they have a strong father looking for them, why not?...

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