[Debate] Is God real? [Religion] (445)

318 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-03-07 01:43 ID:nH46Oruu


I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm just saying that if you want a useful discussion, do it properly.

Because you can discuss about the nature and existence of God as a construct of intelligence.

You can discuss the existence of the experience of divinity, because if anything, there seems to be some kind of evidence of something happening when one meditates or experiences an ecstatic vision (what happens? Why, parts of the brain shuts down. Ha ha, I know right?).

You can discuss the effects of God as a historical reality, which not only was responsible for the Sistine Chapel and the poetry of Rumi, but also the Inquisition and pogroms.

You can even discuss the absurdity of a God who exists as a separate, material entity, and point out the philosophical and evidence-based holes, and conclude, quite rightly, that God has no material existence.

You can even point out that doctrines like fundamentalism are bad because they are ideologically and philosophically untenable. After all, what kind of God only allows a limited number of his creations access to paradise and damns the rest to eternal suffering? You can say these things, and you can make claims about it.

But to start the conversation saying, "So... does God exist?" You're trolling. Not only that, but it's old trolling.

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