[Debate] Is God real? [Religion] (445)

323 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-03-09 18:32 ID:+0NX+SW+

the only way i can think of to counter the assertion of, "if god is omni-all, why is there still evil?" is to present my fellow anonymous with Alvin Plantinga's line of reasoning towards the exisitance of evil:

  1. God is omni belevolent and omnipotent
  2. God created the world which contains evil and had a good reason for doing so(for the greater good)
  3. therefore, the world contains evil, but evil is consistant with the christian view of god

along with this line of reasoning:

  1. an omnibelevolent god would want to eliminate evil
  2. an omnipotent god would be able to eliminiate evil
  3. though evil exists now, god will eliminate it in the future
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