[Debate] Is God real? [Religion] (445)

48 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-18 11:47 ID:oaddYxuL

Oh wow, it's that badass flawed argument again.

Could we, as humans, exist in a universe without logic? We obviously could not, since that would throw any kind of laws of nature as we know them completley out. So, from a sufficient number of unviverses, we happen to live in our form in one of these universes where live like ours is possible, on a planet where life like ours is possible. If it was any different, we would not be able to observe anything, cause we wouldn't be here then.

It's the anthropic principle, it was old and wideley known years ago, and has gotten some theoretical backing by string theorists recently.

So, there you have your alternate explanation, which is infiniteley more likeley than some beeing which does not follow any physical laws and sometimes disregards some of the laws of logic suddenly popping into existence and deciding to create those same laws. (Besides, how does your try at an explanation proove that the christian god exists? A quick glance tells me that it only seems to attempt to proove that any god exists at all, but you seem to be focussed on prooving the christian one...)

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